Tuesday 9 July 2013

My timeline in the UK (A 25 year odyssey)

For those just tuning in, my own historical timeline with the UK goes like this: 

1988 - teenage French class visit to Europe, stopping in London
1992 - study abroad student at Birkbeck in London for the autumn semester (4 months)
1993 - study abroad student in Cambridge in an economics program summer (2.5 months)
2000-2003 - a few annual visits
2004 - emigrated on a fianceé visa, settled as a permanent resident (later divorced)
2004-2007 - lived in Wales (2.5 yrs)
2007-2008 - lived in Bristol and loved it (1.5 yrs) 
2008 - lived in London until 2013 (5 yrs) 
2013 - ready for a change, moved from London to N. California

Somewhere around 2005 I stopped saying "pants" and replaced it with "trousers". 
Somewhere around 2007 I stopped saying "trash can" and replaced it with "rubbish bin". 
In 2008 I got Accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
In 2009 I got my citizenship and was naturalised as British. Finally felt like I belonged.
Somewhere around 2010 I started pronouncing the letter "H" the British way. 

Concurrently, friends from the US would comment that I was sounding "more British", although I always thought, and still think I sound very Californian. 
(I could be in denial...)
Many of my clients said they couldn't tell where my accent was from (!)


  1. Ha ha, I still says pants just to annoy them, but then I am Irish and we love winding the British up and visa versa.

  2. Oh also, in Ireland the trash can is dust bin. Sandwich is sambwitch. Three is tree. :)
