Wednesday, 14 August 2013

The California Sun!

OK, most of my friends back in the UK would say they are so jealous that I was going to be in California for the summer. It is true, California weather is amazing. But they don't know.... it lasts for four months!!!! In all honesty, after so many days of +93F/34C to me it is just really hot.  

Yes it is beautiful, sunny and blue skies everyday, which really is quite nice, I won't lie. I haven't seen so many cloudless blue skies in years. Seriously... years... this is not an exaggeration. Yet, maybe this is too much of a good thing?  

It is so hot that I can't be outdoors in certain times of the day, I think I am melting! And then at night it is lovely and beautiful outside, but inside my room is a sauna. 

Of course I do know that I just need to get accustomed to it. Get used to moving outside in the heat. For goodness sake I could handle it when I was younger. I tell myself I can do it again, it's in my blood!

But I must be honest...I miss London weather. The gloomy cloudy, rainy summer days. Those days when we'd all get excited because the forecast said we were going to have a nice weekend. Then seeing everyone out there in the park getting lobster red as they had their first exposure to real sun that year. Mind you the high would normally be about 77F/25C and if we were lucky a few days may even be about 86F/30C.

Oh how I miss wearing layers and never knowing what to expect weather wise. And always having a cardigan and scarf in my bag for when it got cold at night. 

Ahh well... I suppose this year I may actually get a bit of a tan :) 

What has this really taught me these last two months? ... I need a proper California summer wardrobe! I do not have nearly enough summer clothes :) 



  1. Hey, well observed.

    I can't say I miss British weather IN THE LEAST. London weather is better than Wales, that is for sure. I was so grateful when I moved west to Bristol, then London. The further east I went, the less gray the clouds.

    If you want to start layering your 'jumpers', et. al, march yourself down to SF and I promise you'll be covering up faster than you can say "Buckingham Palace".

    I am dreading the change of season because I think for me that will mark the reality that I am not actually on a summer vacation here, but I've uprooted my entire life - again.

    1. Ah, a yellow Jeep and some yellow kayaks,trekking, mountain biking, swimming....
      Give me those before Irish or British raincoats anyday. :)
